
Today is the last day of my holiday. What a long night it has been. I couldn't sleep at the Airport and I walked around and sat and watched people come and go until there were only a handful of people left.
I got a bottle of Singapore Sling for Simon, some Absolute Vodka for Andrew and Glenmorangie Whiskey for the old boy. I couldn't take it with me but they assured me that it would be where we are boarding by 6am.
The gate finally opened and I went through. My spirits hadn't arrived as yet but I am confident they will arrive.
Finally they arrived and I boarded. I found my seat on the plane and there was a lady already sitting in it and her husband in the middle.
Because the window seat foot rest was broken, the Steward ask them to follow him and he put them up the back. Needless to say, I had the 3 seats to myself (& I wasn't complaining either).
We took off right on 7am and not long into the flight they came around with breakfast which was fruit, crepe with scrambled egg etc, roll and juice.
I thought I would stretch out over the 3 seats and have some sleep, but you know what thought did!!!!
After about 1/2 hour I gave up and I just watched the Fly Path all the way home.
Lunch was served which consisted of Marinated Seafood, braised beef etc, roll and ice cream. It wasn't too bad either. Even had a glass of Chardonnay.
They bought around more food before we landed in Sydney, chicken in herb sauce, cheese & crackers.
I got ready for landing and when I got my bag through Customs, I went out and saw a familar face and was so pleased to see him I know that I was on home soil.
A great holiday but there is no place like home.

7 weeks (3.11.2011) I fly to Tasmania. Now I know I can do International flights on my own and Domestic is easy.


Thunder and lightning most of the night last night but this morning is blue sky and sunny. Funny it should be sunny. Our last day before we leave tonight and the sky is blue and doesn't seem cloudy, yet!!!
I packed my bags last night so Sandra and Jean packed theirs this morning. After breakfast we walked down to The Asian Civilisation Museum to see the display of Terracotta Wa
rriors. I had seen the original ones in China but Sandra and Jean hadn't seen them. They had bought over horses & soldiers, armour and ornaments. Only 1 thing was not the original and that was the horses and soldiers. We had a guided tour which lasted about 3 hours.
When we came o
ut is was absolutely pouring with rain. Needless to say we didn't have an umbrella between us (& it was the 1st time that we didn't take them) and did we get wet???? Jean ended up buying a fold-up umbrella at a Chemist for $S5 but it was small and 3 couldn't fit under it.
When the rain finally stopped, everything was wet and boy, was it hot.

We walked and walked to Little India. They were getting ready to have a 'festival' of some sort as they had decorated the streets. Apparently the 'festival' means that everyone must wear new clothing and some of the sari's were just beautiful. There were lots of men buying gold in shops but the gold looked orange/yellow to our yellow gold. (Don't know why I didn't take any photos here).
After about 2 hours looking around we decided to walk back to our Hotel but after walking for 1 hour we knew that we were going in the wrong direction.
We turned ar
ound and walked all the way back to where we had been. My hair was just dripping with humidity.
We had some tea on the way back and found a Mall which had more shops in. I got the girls some 'dressy' thongs.
We walked back to the Hotel and I waited in the Reception area for Sandra and Jean to come back from shopping for a jacket for Cameron. We had seen this shop on Tuesday but when Sandra and Jean came back they couldn't find the shop. They were only going to be about 1/2 hour but by the time they got back it was nearly 1-1/2 hours.
We had walked nearly 16kms and my feet and hips knew it.
We got our luggage from the Reception and got a taxi into Singapore Ai
rport. It was just 8.30pm and Sandra and Jean's flight is 1.40pm and mine isn't until 7am tomorrow.
We went to Terminal 1 where Sandra & Jean put their luggage through and then we went on the Skytrain over to Terminal 3 where I put my luggage through even though I w
asn't flying until tomorrow. I got my seat allocation also. 38H.
Back to Terminal 1 where I waited with Sandra & Jean until 11pm. They went through and I was a bit emotional saying good-bye to them.

I went back by Skytrain over to Terminal 3 and I waited.
All except Duty Free liquor and cosmetic/perfume and the Newsagent stayed open. All other shops closed at 12 midnight.


For some reason the alarm went off this morning at 6am!!!! Sandra got up and washed her hair but Jean and me got up about 7. We had our breakfast then we walked down to Marina Quay to the Flyer. The Flyer was awesome. It is 165 metres high and has views from North, South, East and West. The views were better than what we saw on Friday but still cloudy and could be better. Even Sandra came on the Flyer and she enjoyed it. (Even though this photo doesn't look like she enjoyed it).
We shopped all the way back to the Hotel and it is so hot and humid. It is about 34degrees and the sun is out in full.
We arrived back at the Hotel to have another shower and get organised to go to Raffles for our High Tea at 4.30 but we have to be there by 3.45 and we going to meet Ruby.
We got a t
axi from our Hotel which only cost $S6.40. We met up with Ruby and Colin took some photos of us 4.
When the 4 of us were seated for High Tea, it consisted of tiered cake stands for Sandra and me to share and Jean and Ruby to share. There were sandwiches, Lemon Slice, Chocolate Cup Cakes with chocolate cream (yummy), Lemon Madeline's and on a big table were strawberry tarts, scones with clotted cream
, hot dumplings, and just so much. You could have a glass of Champagne for $S18 (which was 50% off per glass) and tea or coffee. We had a waiter on our table and he was so funny and full of life.
After we had finished, San
dra paid the bill & Jean and me were 'somewhat' embarrassed' so we waited outside. Sandra and Jean were going by train to take Ruby back. I decided to go back to the Hotel and change and I would do some shopping. By this time it was 7.45 and between 5 and 8 the taxi prices double according to the Government. Going back to the Hotel my fare was $S12.60. I could have walked back if I had known.
I ended up buying a beer to relax and calm my nerves down.
We only walked about 10kms today.


It is cloudy again today but will probably fine up. The alarm went off at 6.30am. I didn't sleep too well last night. We went for our breakfast and came back to the room to finalise a few things then went down to wait for the bus to take us to Universal Studios. The shuttle bus was coming at 9. Ruby arrived at 8.40 to go with us.
The bus drove us to the Flyer where we got a mini bus to Universal Studios. We arrived about 10.15 and it was hot.
We saw "Daddy O's" Hang Ten Hipsters
with the harmonising boys from the beach (a cute little 3 year old dancing and clapping in the crowd) and no show without punch when Sandra was asked to join in dancing. We also saw Mel's Dinettes Waitresses as they Shake, Rattle & Roll.
We went on Treasure Hunters (Desert Jeep) which was a jeep similar to Crusaders of the Lost Ark but it was really for children but 'us 3 big kids' had a ride but it only went for about 10 minutes. We went and saw 3 live shows. One was the Donkey Live from Shrek performing, another was Steven Speilbergs "WaterWorld of Lights, Camera, Action" - it was spooky but showed how movies are made from stunts and awesome explosions and the sensational live water show (where the front lot of people got wet), the last was Monster Rock where Henry Preston Jekyll transformed Universal Classic Monsters into Rock 'n Roll stars.
There were heaps of old cars all around the Studio. Police cars, taxis, ice cream vans, horse & buggy, etc.
After we had exhausted ourselves at Universal, we went over to Sentosa Island by train. We still haven't found the Island.
Colin came to get his Mum about 4pm. We had a quick look through the Arcade and walked back to our Hotel. Got some nibbles on our way back and we got back about 6 and boy, were we exhausted. We went out for our tea about 7.30 but we only went up the street. Jean and Sandra each had a pizza and I had chicken Caesar salad. It was really nice and the bill came to $S72 which included taxes.
I came back to the room about 9.30 and Jean and Sandra went shopping again. I had another shower and when Jean and Sandra came in and had their showers, I was in bed. We can have a sleep in tomorrow as nothing is planned.


The alarm went off at 7am (but don't know why!!). Sandra got up 1st then Jean then me. We had a big black cloud hanging overhead. We went down for breakfast and left early as we were meeting Ruby and Colin at 10 in the Somerset Mall. They were coming in by train and the Mall has heaps of shops and it was easy to get around. We didn't have to wait for long for them and we had a look in a few shops then "I lost them". I tried to backtrack to them but no use. I continued on my own browsing through and surprisingly enough, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I got some shoes for me, scarves for Mary and Lou, T'shirt for the old boy and Noah and Kennedy.
I came back to the Hotel by 2.30 and there still was no sign of them here. I stayed for about 1/2 hour waiting then I went back up to Hard Rock Cafe where I got Jack's t'shirt. I went underpass and had to ask a few people where I was going and they were so obliging. If they couldn't help me they would ask someone else for me. Finally found where I was going but it was soooo hot or I was just plain nervous but I did it. It was a long way to walk there and back but when I got back to the Hotel, Sandra had left a note saying they would be back about 7. They were going to Orchard Mall so I tried to find them but no luck. Her note said that we would go for tea when they came back.
I had walked about 16.71kms so far.
Jean and Sandra came in about 6.45 and we left for tea about 7.30. We went to T.C.Friday but they weren't too impressed so I made the choice to go to an Italian Restaurant. I thought the food was OK and so did Jean but I don't think Sandra was all that fussed about hers. Tea was $S97.20 which included 2 glasses of wine (& the 3rd one free).
We came back to our Hotel and went to bed as we had an early start tomorrow. Sandra set the alarm on her phone for 6.30am.


We slept in until 8.45am. It wasn't as cloudy today as yesterday. After we had our breakfast we walked down Orchard Road to Raffles Hotel to have a look around. The shops are quite expensive but I managed to do a little shopping for the girls. When I was ready to pay for these I thought that I had lost my CUA card. I was nervous and then I panicked, big time. I sat down and went through everything and found it. It had fallen out of my wallet. Oops!!!
We walked back to the markets and I got some ballet flat shoes and a pair of slacks. They say one size fits all but I would hate to see a size 14 in them as they were just snug
on me. Sandra had a rub on the tummy of a huge Buddha (which they say will bring you luck). We end up finding a $S5 note on the ground so maybe Sandra did have some luck after all.
On our way back we "got lost". We asked a lady directions and she wanted to take us back. She couldn't believe that we wanted to walk back. She wanted us to go on the train. She turned around and took us back to the train station. We told her we wanted to go to the bathroom (trying to loose her). She was ahead of us so we turned around quickly and took off. We thought we had lost her and was on our way home (we thought) and lo and behold, there she was on the other corner. We flew into Department shops and went to their bathroom, hoping to lose her again.
By the time we got back to the Hotel we had 1/2 hour to kill before we got the shuttle bus to the Night Safari at
the Zoo.
We walked down to the Ticket Office to get our bus (which wasn't far) and then we had to change into a bigger bus for the Zoo.
We saw a Nocturnal animal show. They had wolves, otters, and heaps of other and also someone in the audience had a HUGE snake under their seat. I'm so glad it wasn't me as I think they would have had to scrape me off the floor.
We then lined up for the train ride around the zoo. We lined up like cattle and there were 100's of people. The train ride took about an hour and was great. We saw animals under lights in their natural habitat. Lions, tigers, elephants, water buffalo, zebras etc. We had to be back on the bus by 9.45 and and boy did we put our best foot forward.
We finally made the bus. We were tired but sat until we thought we were at our stop. But no, we got off too early so we went to McDonald's (same as Australia) and had a hamburger and a cup of coffee.
We came back to our Hotel and were in bed by 11.45.
We had walked about 31kms today.


Woke this morning to the 7am alarm going off. Sandra got up and turned it off so we had another 1/2 hour sleep in. It is cloudy again but no doubt it will get hot. We are going on the Open Air bus again down to the "ship on top of a building". It was called Marina Skypark at Baysands and was just wonderful. Such a shame it was foggy and hazy but the view (close by) was stunning. Sandra didn't want to go up but after some persuasion she finally relented and she was pleased she did. There is hope for her on the Flyer yet!!!!
We saw from all angles and even saw them getting ready for the Formula 1 Motor Race. It is only the weekend after we have gone home. We had a look at the 2 swimming pools, 1 for adults and the other for the children but only for Hotel guests. The pools are amazing with the water going right to the edge. We even saw 2 men with th
e legs over the edge.
We walked back about 15kms to the River Cruise. I didn't think I had been on
this but one we got started I remember the bronze statues of boys jumping off the wall. We went down to the Meridon (1/2 fish and 1/2 lion) statue with water coming from it's mouth. We got off the cruise and got the train back to Changi Museum. The train was magic just like in China/Japan. Changi Museum is right at the end of the line where we got off. Colin and Ruby picked us up at the station and Colin took us to Changi Museum. What a place it is. We weren't allowed to take photos. Changi Jail is closed so you can imagine what the museum was like.
Colin then took us to the Commonwealth War Memorial. There were lots of graves there, some with names and ranks and other with "unnamed soldiers". The lawns were immaculate and so ere the gardens. The staff are mainly Indians and they work from sun up to sun down and work very hard too.

We got lost on the way back to Colin's for tea but we saw lots, even got in the traffic going to Malaysia for the weekend. The Malayan Islands are about 6 hours drive there and 6 hours back for work on the Monday.
We finally arrived at Colin's. He had dips, chips and wine before our tea and he had made 2 curries and rice for our tea. His partner is a Airline Steward on Singapore Airlines and I thought he would pass for 28/30 but he said he was 45 years old. A very nice and interesting gentleman too. We had a nice night and got a taxi back to our Hotel which wasn't far and we were in bed by 11.


Sandra told last night that she had "misplaced" hers and Jean's passports. When she got to check in at Dubai for their flight to Singapore, she didn't have their Passports. Panic stations were alerted. She backtracked what had happened and when they got to their Hotel in Dubai, the Reception Staff took a copy of their Passport (but forgot to hand them back to Sandra & Jean). Sandra rang the Hotel and sure enough they were still there. Sandra explained the situation to them and after awhile a nice young man delivered their Passports to the Airport. He had hired/Hotel car and personally delivered them to them with about
1/2 hour to boarding.
We slept all night from 1.15am until Sandra's phone alarm went off at 7am. We had breakfast which was all you could eat (+ more). We went back to our room then we were going on the Open Air Bus around Singapore. Both Jean and me gave Sandra our $S600 for the 'kitty' as Sandra was going to pay all out of this $S1800. When we leave on Wednesday for home, what is left will be divided 3 ways.
We did the full circle on the bus. You could get on and off where you liked. When we got back to where the bus started from, we walked to the Hard Rock Cafe where Jean bought a T'Shirt. We walked a LONG way back to the Hotel. We walked from one end of Orchard Road to the other. We found a Supermarket where we got some cheese & crackers as Ruby (Sandra's friend) and her son Colin were coming for drinks and nibbles at 4pm. Colin lives in Singapore and Ruby lives not far from Sandra. After they left about 6.20pm we walked back to Subway and had a bit for tea. Only had a Subway as we had had bits and pieces all afternoon.
We came back to the Hotel about 8.30 and had another shower as we were really hot with the humidity. We fell into bed about 10.30 as we were very tired. Another day tomorrow.


My holiday starts today and I have been looking forward to this for weeks. Sandy took me to the Airport at 6.30am. There was no traffic until about 1/4 hour from the Airport and there was traffic everywhere. It took us longer to go a few klms than the whole trip. We met Andrew and Mary and had coffee with them at the Terrace Cafe. I went through about 9.30am. I walked around and looked at shops as my flight was not due to leave until 11.20am. Bought 2 bottles of New Zealand white wine @ 2 for $A20. Boarded the plane (Airbus A380) and found my aisle seat 48C. The seating was 3-4-3. The plane didn't get off the ground until 12 as it was late coming in from Singapore. The plane was alot quieter than we have travelled before.
Had lunch @ 2pm (Aust. time) and was really nice. Travelling from Sydney to Singapore is about 6500kms. The time to arrive in Singapore should be around 5.50pm (Singapore time). The plane had to circle about 3 times round Singapore airport as there were no spaces for it to land.
We arrived in Terminal 3 about 6.10pm. Got my luggage (1 suitcase) and found the Luggage Storage. I left my suitcase there as it was only $S4.23 for 24 hours. It saved me from lugging it over to Terminal 1 where I was meeting Jean and Sandra.
I got the Skytrain over to Terminal 1 which was just fabulous. Texted to Sandy to say that I had got here. He said to go back & get my case as Terminal 1 would have taxis etc for going to the Hotel and would save time when Jean and Sandra came in.

Back I went via Skytrain to Terminal 3 and retrieved my case from Storage (the guy there must have thought I was "cuckoo". Back I went to Terminal 1 and waited. Their flight was due in at 8.32pm. I found Burger King where I was meeting them. I went to Information and asked about their flight and they said their luggage would be on Belt 9 and was on time. Long time to sit but somehow I missed them. Everyone had been through and there were 4 Hire Car Drivers waiting also for the Emerites flight. I was instructed to go to Information again and have their names put over the loud speaker. As I was asking the lady at Information to do this, Sandra was already there having MY name put over.
We got a shuttle bus to the Concord Hotel on Orchard Road where we had room 662. It was a nice room with a little view over Orchard Road. We went for a walk and came back to have our showers and we were into bed and lights out at 1.15am. It was very humid and hot.