
Thunder and lightning most of the night last night but this morning is blue sky and sunny. Funny it should be sunny. Our last day before we leave tonight and the sky is blue and doesn't seem cloudy, yet!!!
I packed my bags last night so Sandra and Jean packed theirs this morning. After breakfast we walked down to The Asian Civilisation Museum to see the display of Terracotta Wa
rriors. I had seen the original ones in China but Sandra and Jean hadn't seen them. They had bought over horses & soldiers, armour and ornaments. Only 1 thing was not the original and that was the horses and soldiers. We had a guided tour which lasted about 3 hours.
When we came o
ut is was absolutely pouring with rain. Needless to say we didn't have an umbrella between us (& it was the 1st time that we didn't take them) and did we get wet???? Jean ended up buying a fold-up umbrella at a Chemist for $S5 but it was small and 3 couldn't fit under it.
When the rain finally stopped, everything was wet and boy, was it hot.

We walked and walked to Little India. They were getting ready to have a 'festival' of some sort as they had decorated the streets. Apparently the 'festival' means that everyone must wear new clothing and some of the sari's were just beautiful. There were lots of men buying gold in shops but the gold looked orange/yellow to our yellow gold. (Don't know why I didn't take any photos here).
After about 2 hours looking around we decided to walk back to our Hotel but after walking for 1 hour we knew that we were going in the wrong direction.
We turned ar
ound and walked all the way back to where we had been. My hair was just dripping with humidity.
We had some tea on the way back and found a Mall which had more shops in. I got the girls some 'dressy' thongs.
We walked back to the Hotel and I waited in the Reception area for Sandra and Jean to come back from shopping for a jacket for Cameron. We had seen this shop on Tuesday but when Sandra and Jean came back they couldn't find the shop. They were only going to be about 1/2 hour but by the time they got back it was nearly 1-1/2 hours.
We had walked nearly 16kms and my feet and hips knew it.
We got our luggage from the Reception and got a taxi into Singapore Ai
rport. It was just 8.30pm and Sandra and Jean's flight is 1.40pm and mine isn't until 7am tomorrow.
We went to Terminal 1 where Sandra & Jean put their luggage through and then we went on the Skytrain over to Terminal 3 where I put my luggage through even though I w
asn't flying until tomorrow. I got my seat allocation also. 38H.
Back to Terminal 1 where I waited with Sandra & Jean until 11pm. They went through and I was a bit emotional saying good-bye to them.

I went back by Skytrain over to Terminal 3 and I waited.
All except Duty Free liquor and cosmetic/perfume and the Newsagent stayed open. All other shops closed at 12 midnight.

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