
The alarm went off at 7am (but don't know why!!). Sandra got up 1st then Jean then me. We had a big black cloud hanging overhead. We went down for breakfast and left early as we were meeting Ruby and Colin at 10 in the Somerset Mall. They were coming in by train and the Mall has heaps of shops and it was easy to get around. We didn't have to wait for long for them and we had a look in a few shops then "I lost them". I tried to backtrack to them but no use. I continued on my own browsing through and surprisingly enough, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I got some shoes for me, scarves for Mary and Lou, T'shirt for the old boy and Noah and Kennedy.
I came back to the Hotel by 2.30 and there still was no sign of them here. I stayed for about 1/2 hour waiting then I went back up to Hard Rock Cafe where I got Jack's t'shirt. I went underpass and had to ask a few people where I was going and they were so obliging. If they couldn't help me they would ask someone else for me. Finally found where I was going but it was soooo hot or I was just plain nervous but I did it. It was a long way to walk there and back but when I got back to the Hotel, Sandra had left a note saying they would be back about 7. They were going to Orchard Mall so I tried to find them but no luck. Her note said that we would go for tea when they came back.
I had walked about 16.71kms so far.
Jean and Sandra came in about 6.45 and we left for tea about 7.30. We went to T.C.Friday but they weren't too impressed so I made the choice to go to an Italian Restaurant. I thought the food was OK and so did Jean but I don't think Sandra was all that fussed about hers. Tea was $S97.20 which included 2 glasses of wine (& the 3rd one free).
We came back to our Hotel and went to bed as we had an early start tomorrow. Sandra set the alarm on her phone for 6.30am.

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