
We slept in until 8.45am. It wasn't as cloudy today as yesterday. After we had our breakfast we walked down Orchard Road to Raffles Hotel to have a look around. The shops are quite expensive but I managed to do a little shopping for the girls. When I was ready to pay for these I thought that I had lost my CUA card. I was nervous and then I panicked, big time. I sat down and went through everything and found it. It had fallen out of my wallet. Oops!!!
We walked back to the markets and I got some ballet flat shoes and a pair of slacks. They say one size fits all but I would hate to see a size 14 in them as they were just snug
on me. Sandra had a rub on the tummy of a huge Buddha (which they say will bring you luck). We end up finding a $S5 note on the ground so maybe Sandra did have some luck after all.
On our way back we "got lost". We asked a lady directions and she wanted to take us back. She couldn't believe that we wanted to walk back. She wanted us to go on the train. She turned around and took us back to the train station. We told her we wanted to go to the bathroom (trying to loose her). She was ahead of us so we turned around quickly and took off. We thought we had lost her and was on our way home (we thought) and lo and behold, there she was on the other corner. We flew into Department shops and went to their bathroom, hoping to lose her again.
By the time we got back to the Hotel we had 1/2 hour to kill before we got the shuttle bus to the Night Safari at
the Zoo.
We walked down to the Ticket Office to get our bus (which wasn't far) and then we had to change into a bigger bus for the Zoo.
We saw a Nocturnal animal show. They had wolves, otters, and heaps of other and also someone in the audience had a HUGE snake under their seat. I'm so glad it wasn't me as I think they would have had to scrape me off the floor.
We then lined up for the train ride around the zoo. We lined up like cattle and there were 100's of people. The train ride took about an hour and was great. We saw animals under lights in their natural habitat. Lions, tigers, elephants, water buffalo, zebras etc. We had to be back on the bus by 9.45 and and boy did we put our best foot forward.
We finally made the bus. We were tired but sat until we thought we were at our stop. But no, we got off too early so we went to McDonald's (same as Australia) and had a hamburger and a cup of coffee.
We came back to our Hotel and were in bed by 11.45.
We had walked about 31kms today.

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